1.无论天气怎么样 翻译 要准确的 谢谢

2.三天后的天气会怎么样? 英语翻译



Welcome to today's weather forecast. Recent zhuhai temperature rising, let a person feel as if spring has come, warm warm sunshine in the body is very comfortable. But this kind of situation will not last long, today and tomorrow there will be a cold air raids, temperature will begin to decline, night and day, large temperature difference, please plan works, add warm clothes, prevent colds. Rainy may for your trip to bring inconvenience when going out, so please take an umbrella just in case.

Today's weather is suitable for sports, everybody can more exercise.

Below we look together tomorrow weather the specific circumstances of day tomorrow cloudy, dongfeng 3-4 class, the tallest temperature 17 ℃, minimum temperature ℃, evening 8 sometimes has to rain.

Thanks for listening, we hope our students good good study, day day up

Writing is tomorrow wuxi's weather forecast, for this is not very understand, he the wrong place still please change, still can add another if something please add below, do not copy of!!!!

无论天气怎么样 翻译 要准确的 谢谢





三天后的天气会怎么样? 英语翻译




1) No matter how the weather is, ......

2) No matter how the weathe is like, ......

3) Whatever the weather is, ......

4) However the weather is, ....

5) 较口语的说法:Rain or shine, ......




1 三天后的天气会怎么样?

1) What will the weather be like in three days time?

2 这几天天气忽冷忽热的,不知道再过几天天气会怎样?

2) These few days the weather has changed rapidly, cold in one day and hot in another. I really do not know how it would be like in next few days.

3 这周天气不错,看预报说,下周就要大幅度降温了。

3) We had a very good weather this week, but the weather forecast predicts: the temperature would go down a lot next week.

4 下周气温会回升的。

4) The temperature will rise next week.


What's the weather like today ?


How is the weather today ?


用what开头时后面要用like, 因为what是疑问代词; 用how 开头时不能用like,因为how是副词。答语都是用:

It's +表示天气的形容词。

如:It's cold / sunny/windy/ snowy .